Sometimes, it feels as if my tongue has been removed
I can feel its remnants, hinting, mocking
But is it even mine, how could it be?
A family tongue is passed, bestowed
I lack the words to speak –
Make mistakes that reveal me,
That I don’t belong.
That I am without tongue
Or only half a tongue
Half, almost worse than without
Those without are strangers
But half,
Half means something, quite different
Something, more lonely
The heart cries,
For a home it never knew
Sentences and phrases,
That only others can produce,
Break the heart
The grief is wordless
No, the words exist
They’re just not mine.
a child born of two tongues
One is easier, comfortable, safe
It doesn’t require questions or answers
Yet grief cannot be banished,
There is no way to exile parts of the soul
Without pain
As removing a finger ends with blood
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